Monday, November 30, 2009


So what the hell happened to Summer and Fall?  One minute I am all about getting caught up on mowing the grass and the next second I am worried about frost on the plants.  On top of that I am getting pressured to get out the Christmas lights and all that stuff.
The dogs don't know what to do either.  They want to go outside, but not in all that cold stuff.  Surely one of those doors opens into a warm spot, don'cha think?
I'm just not ready for this yet.
Somebody save me.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving From a Senior Point of View

Wow, we just finished another holicay turned into commercialism. There was way more mention of the Black Friday sales than there was of the original reason for the holiday. Besides at my age a change of diet is usually accompanied by a change in digestion results.  Not in a good way either. As far as I can see the only winners were the Turkey Farmers.  Damn bird was probably made in China anyhow!
I am beginning to think that the TV news shows have just given up on reporting any real news.  The talking heads only seem to get animated when discussing upcoming episodes of thier networks reality shows.  It is probably the only thing they are qualified to talk about anyhow.  They routinely mispronounce local place names and have no idea about local issues.
Back to the point. Around here Black Friday is more a discussion of the race to get the dogs outside before it turns into a Brown Friday.  It seems their digestive system is also affected by dietary changes.
I wonder how many cranberries were killed in the making of this.