Now that's an interesting word. In what passes for memory in my admittedly inaccurate brain, meander means to take a wandering non-linear path toward some goal that may either be sharply defined or nebulous in nature. There may not even involve a goal as the act of traveling or the adventure of discovery might be all that is desired. I wish I could state that there was an object lesson or a moral embedded in this entry. But obviously there is not one.
Some days do not involve a conclusion. Those days are merely the glue that keeps life from becoming a machine gun stacatto of estatic highs and terrible lows. Those days are the neutral middle of the road existance that are the basis point point by which we define the amount of joy or sadness involved in the days of epochs.
The same might be said of Good and Evil. Without a basis for measurement we would have no idea just how Good or Evil an act or an event might be.
On a scale of 1 to 10. Casey Anthony is a 9.5 in the evil direction.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
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